Broadcast of Volumes 1 of the tenantspin archives on RADIO ON, Berlin, from 3 April 2015.

Volume 1 (mp3, 57.6mb, 59'55") consists of recordings from Alan Dunn's archive of the tenantspin project originally set up in 1999 between Superflex and the Foundation for Art & Creative Technology in Liverpool. Existing as a ground-breaking and influential community media project, tenantspin invited elderly high-rise tenants from across Liverpool to create new content with a range of artists, writers, musicians and technologists.

Volume 1 consists of excerpts from tenantspin CD and radio broadcasts led by Dunn, including 'SuperBlock', a sci-fi drama co-written by tenants and Jeff Young and set in the year 2040. The musical contributions are from Dolly, Ronnie R, John 'Spoons' McGuirk, Margo, Michael, 'Keyboard Lil', Mary and Rene Block.

The main architect and interviewer voices in 'SuperBlock' were read by George Costigan and Sunetra Sarker and recorded on location, with tenants, in Liverpool, 2002.

Click here for Soundcloud file.

Click here for the tenantspin archive exhibition at FACT.
