Chwe dyluniad newydd ar gyfer Wal Pawb wedi’u datblygu dros 12 mis ar y cyd â’r artistiaid Natasha Borton a Meilir Tomos a masnachwyr, staff ac ymwelwyr marchnad Tŷ Pawb. Yn dechrau gydag awch (ar ôl) Covid i ddathlu bwyd a dychwelyd i gymdeithasu, amsugnodd y dyluniadau awyrgylch Tŷ Pawb gan esblygu yn bedwar GAIR GWYCH sy’n mewngapsiwleiddio egni anhygoel y dref, pwysigrwydd cerddoriaeth a’r gymysgedd soniarus o Gymraeg, Portiwgaleg, Pwyleg a Saesneg a glywir. Mae’r GEIRIAU GWYCH yn cynnwys cyfeiriadau at Jose Mourinho, Lego, Neco Williams ac ymadroddion a glywyd ar ddamwain o amgylch y dref, sydd wedi’u plethu yn y tri dyluniad hir sy’n cynnwys lluniau o fasnachwyr y mae Mark McNulty wedi’u tynnu fel pe baen nhw’n sêr roc. Mae’r tri dyluniad sgwarog yn gyfeiriad at lawes Jann Howarth a Peter Blake ar gyfer ‘Sgt Pepper’ gan y Beatles, sy’n cynnwys masnachwyr, y cyhoedd a staff tu ôl i lenni Tŷ Pawb.

Six new designs for Wal Pawb developed over twelve months in collaboration with artists Natasha Borton and Meilir Tomos, Ty Pawb market traders and visitors. Starting out (post-) Covid with a desire to celebrate food and a return to socialising, the designs absorbed the atmosphere of Ty Pawb and evolved into four supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-style SUPERWORDS that celebrate the incredible energy of the town (and now city), the role of music and the graphic-sonic blend of Welsh, Portuguese, Polish and English words as Wrexham pushed to become the UK City of Culture 2025. The SUPERWORDS include references to Jose Mourinho, Lego, Neco Williams and overheard phrases from around the town and can be seen woven through the three long designs that feature market traders photographed by Mark McNulty as if rock stars. The three square designs are a nod to Jann Howarth and Peter Blake’s sleeve for the Beatles ‘Sgt Pepper’ sleeve, assembling traders, community members and behind-the-scenes Ty Pawb staff.


I ganmol PEDWAR GAIR: RECIPE creodd y cerddor Meilir Tomos bedwar darn unigol o gelf sain. Treuliodd Meilir beth amser yn casglu recordiadau sain o bob cwr o'r adeilad yn Tŷ Pawb a chyfuno hyn â synau unigol a greodd sydd â pherthynas â'r geiriau unigol yn y delweddau a'r profiad o greu'r prosiect hwn. Gan ddefnyddio gwahanol syntherzisers gan gynnwys Moog Subharmonicon, Moog Grandmother a Microkorg, gwnaeth Meilir israniadau o duniau ac arpeggios byr i greu'r gerddoriaeth a chymysgu hyn ynghyd â synau amgylchynol Tŷ Pawb.

Music maker Meilir Tomos has created four individual pieces of sound art to compliment FOUR WORDS: RECIPE. He collected audio recordings from around the building in Ty Pawb and combined this with individual sounds he created that have a relationship to the individual words in the images and the experience of the creation of this project. Using various synthesizers including a Moog Subharmonicon, Moog Grandmother and Microkorg, Meilir made subdivisions of tones and short arpeggios to create the music and mixed this together with the ambient sounds of Ty Pawb:

Darn 1 – Subdivided
Darn 2 – Arpeggio
Darn 3 – The Experiment
Darn 4 – Ty Pawb (Wal Pawb Bach)

Community artist, activist & advocate Natasha Borton penned this wonderful text in response to FOUR WORDS: RECIPE.

LAUNCH NIGHT (Friday 1st July 2022)

SUPERWORD 1 (along the top, like a shop name)


SUPERWORDS 2 + 3 (floating in the middle, words assembled by hundreds of locals during half-term workshops and FOCUS WALES)


+adidas&Subbuteo&LIVEFROMTYPAWB:thetwo(mayor)ronnies&sgtpepper(we’rebacktogether,close)(noSocialDistances)+(TOBLERONE)&sorefingerinchester+polish lettertomyself &LaBelleVue(niceVIEW)’n’HaveYouEverTastedWhatIt’sLikeToBeReally(T)here?ONTHEGOWalPAWBisEveryonesWALLLobsCAWSBlasusMELYS

SUPERWORD 4 (along the bottom, like a specials board)

isicrhau+Sglodion+FfrwchneddacMethi +Fenugreek+DhaniaSeeds’n’THENIGHTISdeepFRI£D’n’foodforthoughtisthedietITOOCANGROW-a-licious


All traders, half-term workshop participants, FOCUS WALES visitors and all Ty Pawb staff, especially James Harper, Karen Whittingham, Adam, Heather, Morgan, Gareth; Tony at Cestrian, Liam (PencilCraftsman) and Donna at PDQ.


Below you'll find images from the year's work, designs in progress, workshops, influences and final designs.


We have explored FOUR WORDS before.